Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blogs vs. Wikis

I believe that the networking we have established through new media is unbelievably large. Throughout the world, as long as you have a computer, you are connected to millions of people. This gives people the opportunity to share their ideas on one page. These common pages are known as wikis or blogs. The difference between a wiki and a blog is on a wiki, their must be some type of page maintenance, where the information submitted has to be monitored and censored to see if the information is correct or useful. In a blog, people have more freedom to respond to one another and it gives other bloggers the opportunity to read those responses. When dealing with such a controversial topic such as the war in Iraq, people definitely have different view points. According to Ezra Goodnoe, author of "How to Use Wikis for Business" he describes a case where wikis were being tested to see if an editorial can be written from different people around the world. He describes the editing as "three days of maintenance hell." I believe this to be due to the fact that the wikis have to be more controlled then blogs. Blogs are pages that users can submit their point of view in response to someone else’s comments. When people are submitting their changes to a wiki, it is chaos and you get "maintenance hell." Wikis and blogs are similar in the fact that they both give users the opportunity to submit what they feel is important, pertaining to a certain issues.

I think a new way to use wikis is to create a script. I think that if everyone would add a scene based on a main story line, I think it would create such a masterpiece. Having such diverse minds and people contribute their part into a movie or a play would create such an interesting stroy.

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